In our March newsletter, we shared a principle from one of Delron’s books about doors and windows – that when God opens doors of ministry (I Corinthians 6:9), He also opens the windows of heaven to provide all the needed resources for that ministry (Malachi 3:10).  We are excited to share with you that He has done just that for the work of Teach All Nations.

In recent months, He has opened many new doors of ministry to us – including some exciting opportunities behind the Quran Curtain to minister to Muslim Background Believers in the Middle East.  Because we had used all the donations that came in during the pandemic to support our ministry partners around the world while they were in lockdown, we found ourselves having to borrow money to pay for the publishing costs of the materials we needed to distribute in these nations, the conference costs, and our travel expenses as we ventured through these newly opened doors.  We had to borrow fourteen thousand dollars from our savings account and over six thousand dollars from a special account where we had been saving the proceeds from our book sales to cover the cost of reprinting all the books that we re-edited during the time we could not travel due to the pandemic lockdowns.

At the same time that we were struggling with our own expenses, we began to receive urgent requests from our ministry partners who were facing dire situations with no one else to turn to for help – a cyclone seriously damaged the roof of the church and parsonage in Myanmar, a worker in Liberia was facing two major challenges (His truck, which he depends upon for his ministry in the “bush,” was inoperable and his wife needed major surgery.), and an evangelist in Niger was out of evangelistic and training materials in the languages of the people he ministers to.

Unexpectedly, we received several large donations.  Over ten thousand dollars came in through just three gifts – a memorial gift for a family member who had died, a thanksgiving offering for the sale of a piece of property, and a check from a minister who had had to cancel a ministry trip and felt led to give his travel money to Teach All Nations.  These special offerings, along with other funds from our faithful partners, allowed us to repay all the funds that we had borrowed, closing out the month with just ten dollars in the operating account!

Yet, we were still questioning how we could help our ministry partners who so desperately needed our assistance.  Then came a call from one of our donors who simply asked, “Does Teach All Nations need money?”  When we told him that our current needs had been met but that we were hoping to help our friends in need, he said that he would put a check into the mail.  When it arrived, the offering covered the total amount that our three partner ministries were needing!

 There is no restraint to the Lord to save by many or by few. (I Samuel 14:6)