Ask of Me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession. Ps 2:8

Dr. Delron & Peggy Shirley

Welcome to Teach All Nations Mission

Teach All Nations Mission (TAN) is a global evangelical educational ministry birthed from the teaching ministries of Delron and Peggy Shirley.  The name Teach All Nations Mission was chosen to carefully indicate exactly what the heart of Delron and Peggy’s mission is.

TAN’s commitment is to establish a solid foundation in the national pastors and leaders so that they can help enrich the people. The vision is Christian teaching materials (in English and the local languages) in printed form and on audio and video, providing scholarships to Christian colleges and Bible schools for promising students, assisting in establishing and building of Bible schools, and broadcasting via the internet, radio, and television.

Help Save Lives in Liberia

Support Project C.U.R.E. & Teach All Nations Ministries 

Join us in making a life-saving impact for the Quessemba Clinic in Liberia.  Our mission is to send critical medical supplies and equipment to this new clinic, where countless lives are at stake due to a lack of essential resources.  The Quessemba Clinic will serve as a lifeline for thousands of people in Liberia, a region facing numerous health challenges.  This newly built clinic is ready to be occupied and medical personnel are ready to report to duty; but, there are no supplies or equipment – not even a stethoscope!   Since the nearest clinic is many miles away on a road that is impassable during the rainy season and treacherous during the rest year, many patients die before they can reach medical assistance.  Will you help us prevent this needless loss of life by equipping this new clinic that will serve the villages that are scattered throughout this remote area.  Thousands of people are depending upon our help to get this facility up and running to save lives and better their living conditions.

Project C.U.R.E. has partnered with Teach All Nations by providing a full 40-foot shipping container filled with all the needed supplies to fully equip this hospital – valued at approximately $400,000.  Currently we need to raise $30,000 to get the supplies from the warehouse here in the US to the village in the remote region of Liberia.

Every dollar you donate brings us one step closer to our goal of transforming healthcare in Liberia. Your generosity will have a direct and lasting impact on the lives of those who need it most.   

 Together, we can help save lives and bring hope to the people of Liberia. Please consider making a donation today to support Teach All Nations Ministries and Project C.U.R.E. in this life-saving mission. Your compassion can make a world of difference in the lives of those who are suffering. Thank you for being a part of this humanitarian effort.


If you would like to donate directly to Teach All Nations and have us forward your donation to Project Cure please use this link Donate to Project Cure via TAN

Articles From Teach All Nations Mission


Monthly Meditations

Articles and book excerpts from the teachings and mission adventures of Dr. Delron Shirley. Each article is always timely and thought-provoking as it uncovers insights into walking with God.

Monthly Meditations


Monthly Mission Reports

Monthly mission reports featuring the work and ministry of Teach All Nations Mission and Dr. Delron & Peggy Shirley. Read what God is doing around the globe as the Word of God is taught to the people.

Read Missions Reports


Daily Ditties

I grew up with the Carolina colloquialism of a ditty being any short, pithy saying or writing. There is one for each day of your life. As you read them, I hope they are interesting and inspiring.

Read Daily Ditties

Our Featured Articles for October 2024

TAN Mission Report October 2024 –A Vision Come to Pass and a Remaining Challenge

When Delron visited the campus of Pokhara Bible School on his last trip to Nepal, he arrived a little early for the class he was to teach.  The students were on break between classes, but a group of them were intently working around a table in the library.  When Delron walked over to them, he couldn’t believe his eyes because they all had copies of the book that he assumed had been out of print for at least twenty years!  When he asked where they got the books, the director of the school told him that there were eight remaining copies in the library and that the students check them out and make handwritten copies of the lessons to take with them when they go back to their home villages or out to the ministry fields where they are called.  Calculating that eighty percent (an incredibly high percentage in comparison to what he had seen in other Bible colleges) of the fifteen hundred students who have graduated from the program are now actively involved in the ministry and have made copies of those lessons, there are approximately twelve hundred handwritten copies of those lessons still impacting lives in every corner of the nation of Nepal.  The moment that he saw those Nepalese students studying his twenty-year-old books, Delron knew that it was a confirmation of something that he had been thinking and praying about – starting church-based libraries around the country for the books that Peggy and he have written.  The idea had come to him the week before he left for the mission to Nepal when he read that Charis Bible College had initiated a similar program of placing books by Andrew Wommack in churches throughout India.  The purpose of the project is to make valuable faith-building and discipling materials available to individuals who cannot afford to purchase them.  When Delron heard of this approach, he immediately envisioned the same thing happening with Teach All Nations’ books.  He mentioned this vision to one of the leading pastors in Nepal and got his cooperation in helping orchestrate setting up libraries in the churches within his fellowship.  

Meditation October 2024 – Responding to the Times

Where Can We Look in Times Like These?
In what seems almost symbolic, one of my study Bibles is coming apart at the seams with a total break at II Peter chapter three.  The result is that the book naturally flops open at this particular passage as if to purposely remind me of Peter’ words.

But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.  Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?  Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. (II Peter 3:10-13)

Three times in this short passage concerning our stance of readiness for the end times, the apostle uses the verb “to see.”  He tells us to take notice that TETWAWKI is coming and to determine what kind of people we must be in light of that reality; he admonishes us to look for and eagerly anticipate the day when this transition is to occur; he commands us to look for the new heavens and new earth that are promised as a replacement for the present evil age.  I’m sure that we are all aware that we are living in what the scripture refers to as perilous times.  In times like these, it is important that we have a proper focus for our attention lest we become victims of the chaos of the times.  We must be like the sons of Issachar who understood the times in which they lived and kept a proper perspective on all the events around them. (I Chronicles 12:32)

Recent Articles from Teach All Nations

Books from Dr. Delron Shirley

Triumphant Rebirth of Hope

Don’t Leave Home Without It

So Send I You Book

So I Send You

Of Kings and Prophets

Seeds and Harvest

Check out all of Dr. Shirley’s books

Video Teaching from Dr. Delron & Peggy Shirley