Daily Ditties from Delron’s Desk I


I believe that a ditty is supposed to be a poem or a song, but I grew up with the Carolina colloquialism of a ditty being a short, pithy saying or writing.  Having written only one noteworthy poem in my life, I’m definitely not a poet, but I do hope that these few thoughts I’m sharing in these little books will be short and pithy enough to inspire a little something into your life each day.  4 Volumes – 12.99 each



I believe that a ditty is supposed to be a poem or a song, but I grew up with the Carolina colloquialism of a ditty being a short, pithy saying or writing.  Having written only one noteworthy poem in my life, I’m definitely not a poet, but I do hope that these few thoughts I’m sharing in these little books will be short and pithy enough to inspire a little something into your life each day.  4 Volumes each


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