By Peggy Shirley
This past fall as Delron was discussing his plans for a mission to India, I felt the Lord tell me, “I want Delron to go to India, but I want you to go to Indiana.” Delron and I had lived in Indiana for twenty-five years, but other than returning to speak at some ladies’ meetings shortly after moving to Colorado seventeen years ago, I had not been back for many years. I thought, “Who would come to my meeting after so many years?” As with any idea, I have learned to get confirmation. First, I asked my husband, and he gave me an enthusiastic “yes”; next, I called a few friends in Indiana and got their agreement. Then, I had to step out of the boat and try to arrange an affordable venue – no small feat in the city of South Bend. Finally, I called the Tippecanoe Place, the historic home of the famous automobile maker Clement Studebaker. The ballroom was available on the day we picked, and the catering was reasonable; so, we booked the venue and prayed that God would fill the room. Just as He promised to do more than we would think or ask, the registration list soon filled up and I had to begin a waiting list. Eventually, I realized that there the waiting list was almost as long the registration list; so, I called and reserved the ballroom for a second day. I arrived in town a couple days before the meetings, to finalize all the last-minute details and to meet with several of my long-time friends in the area to prayer for a move of God during the meetings.
As I concluded teaching from my latest book, No Longer Bound, I knew that the Holy Spirit was touching many; so, I looked up to heaven and invited the Holy Spirit to come. The first woman who came up for prayer didn’t even make it to the front of the room before she fell prostrate on the floor from being touched by the Holy Spirit. Soon, the whole front of the room was filled with women being loosed from the bondages that I had taught about that day – fear, low self-esteem, rejection, unforgiveness, and much more. The second night was a wonderful “repeat performance” as the presence of God filled the room and ministered to everyone present, including a group of twenty women from a local rehab center.
The ministry of Teach All Nations takes us to the uttermost parts of the world as Delron did by going to India, but we must also remember that even in areas close to home, such as Indiana, there is a great harvest to be reaped.