In a recent newsletter, we shared about one of our ministry partners in a Muslim-majority North African country who was abducted and held hostage for three months.  In the process of his abduction, his ministry vehicle was torched so as to eliminate any evidence that could lead to his abductors.  When he asked us if Teach All Nations could help him with a motorcycle so that he could get back to his work of spreading the gospel, we said that he needed something more than a motorcycle to transport his literature and the projector that he uses for showing the Jesus Film.  Soon, he was able to locate a truck that perfectly “fit the bill.”  In God’s special providence, one of the Teach All Nations’ partners – without knowing anything about the need – gave us a generous gift that more than covered the purchase.

At the same time, we received a report from our ministry partner in Myanmar, which is suffering from a relentless civil war.  He reported that two families in his church had lost their homes in the conflict and due to a devasting typhoon.  Teach All Nations was also able fund the reconstruction of these homes and build new homes for a widow in the congregation and an elderly couple who had been evicted from their children’s home because of their conversion to Christianity from the traditional religion.

  The following are testimonies from the families we helped:

  • Shalom!! I am Mrs. Saw wife of Mr. Tun!! We had been believers for four years, and we heard good news from Pastor Lun and Pastor Joshua in 2021!!  Every week, they come to our village and share good news about Jesus Christ!!  Six months after we heard about Jesus, we accepted Him as our saviors and were baptized!!  Once we were baptized, our children kicked us out of their home, and we had no space to sleep and to stay!!  So, we cried out to our pastor, and he told us to pray – which we did for two years, but we still didn’t have enough money.  But God took care of us and sent us help through the church and your generous donation to get a home!!  We are so happy with our joyful tears!!!  May God bless you abundantly!!


  • I am the widow with one son and one daughter!! Both of them are married and I have five grandsons!!  But I am staying with my daughter and my son in law!!  Our house was broken down and damaged due to the bad weather or storm!!  But we use to attend Yangon Christian Church where Pastor Lun and Pastor Joshua told us to pray.  Since then, we were praying for God’s help, and He answered our prayer!!  Thank you so much for helping to repair the house!!  We fixed the roof, the small bridge to get to our house from the road, and both sides of the house!!  Now we can jump and praise God because we can easily cross the water!!