Peggy recently led a team of twelve students to Sri Lanka, which is open to the gospel with freedom to minister although it is considered a Buddhist nation and there is some persecution against Christians. Her team was full of faith and expectancy but was careful to follow the lead of the nationals to avoid attracting too much attention that could cause trouble for the team or for the local believers.
They began their ministry at a church where they saw many instant healings, including two ladies with eye problems. After prayer, both of the women had tears in their eyes as they said whatever was wrong with their eyes was gone. One student said that about a month before the trip he had seen a vision of himself praying for a gentleman in a grey shirt. During this service, the man from that vision approached him and asked for prayer for his eyes. As you expect, he walked away with his vision restored!
After the service that night, the team was allowed to minister in a Hindu village where there were also several miraculous healings – demonstrating the power of God so dramatically that several came forward to receive Jesus. The local pastor will take these new believers through several months of discipleship to bring them to the point that they can fully renounce their other gods and commit themselves totally to Jesus.
During the trip, Peggy and the team visited several churches, schools, orphanages, and feeding centers where children from the slums come for their one healthy meal each day. By the end of the trip, they had ministered to over seven hundred children – giving them toys, candy, and the love of God. One of the big treats was when they placed the Burger King crowns on their heads as they taught them that they were all children of the Most High King Jesus and were all His princes and princesses. They were so thankful and excited.
One highlight for the team was the day they went to see the elephants. Everyone – including Peggy – took a ride and a few of the more adventurous team members helped the mahouts (trainers) bathe them. Peggy says that everyone acted like children since it was great fun and a real adventure for Americans to get to interact with these gentle giants.
One particularly moving day was when the team went to a feeding center that was founded a number of years ago by a long-time friend of ours. When our friend discovered that the children in this area were savaging the city dump for food, she decided to build a center – called Heart of Compassion – where they could come to once a day to get a hot meal, learn some job skills, and be taught the gospel. The team served them the Word then a warm meal. They even joined them in eating rice and curry with their fingers! After the meal, the team prayed for several of the elderly women in the community. They were so happy as God touched them – removing their arthritis so that their hands began to move freely once again and healing their eyes so that they could see clearly again. One lady was so excited that she began dancing as pain in her body left.
The last day in Sri Lanka was spent at two churches where the team ministered literally all day – from seven in the morning until seven o’clock that evening. So many came for prayer and testified after they felt their bodies healed. The congregation from one of the churches served the students a local meal. As they were serving up the delicious Ceylonese dishes, someone noticed that the cook could not move his neck; so, they volunteered to pray for him. After the Lord touched him, he was so happy, walking around moving his neck for all to see, giving everyone heaping portions of the delicacies that he had prepared. One special blessing at that church service was when a young couple came up to Peggy to show them their little baby and share with her the story that they had tried for a long time to have children but had not conceived until after they asked Delron to pray for them on his last visit ten months before. The wife had become pregnant within just two weeks after the prayer.