This past Christmas, Teach All Nations assisted our ministry partners in Sri Lanka, India, Myanmar, and Niger in special holiday outreaches in their areas.
Our partners in Niger, an almost totally Muslim country, were able to share the gospel through the Jesus Film in eight different villages where they freely proclaimed the gospel in the homes and streets during the day, resulting in more than five thousand people coming to openly watch the film in the evening. More than two hundred waited behind to ask questions after the movie – five of whom gave their lives to Jesus. Terrorists had recently attacked the village where the final showing was held; so, the team provided lunch for children who had been victimized, many of whom had lost their parents.
The teams in India and Sri Lanka were able to hold special children’s outreaches where they taught them Bible lessons, played games with them, and gave each child a special Christmas gift and a nice meal.
Our workers in Myanmar held two special outreaches – one which brought a capacity crowd to their church building and another in a nearby village. They reported that they experienced a powerful touch of the Holy Spirit in the church service, with many being healed and delivered. In the village outreach, they blessed everyone who attended with a meal of Burmese noodle soup and Christmas gifts. Afterward, the gospel presentation resulted in a hundred and fifty people receiving Jesus Christ as their savior.
All our ministry partners extend their deepest gratitude to the Teach All Nations partners for helping make it possible for them to make this Christmas special in their countries

Christmas Dinner in Myanmar

Christmas Drama in Myanmar

Christmas Gifts in India

Jesus Film

Christmas Party in India

Noodle Soup in Burmese Village

Heart of Man in Niger

Rice and Curry in India

Santa Preaches in Myanmar