Yes, it is February, and the stores took down all their Christmas displays and replaced them with Valentine’s Day merchandise weeks ago; however, you may still be working your way through the plethora of Hallmark Christmas specials you taped and couldn’t possibly watch during the holidays. In any case, we want to take you back to Christmas for a few minutes to share how your support for Teach All Nations brought blessing to a lot of children in the island nation of Sri Lanka this past holiday. Unfortunately, we didn’t receive the report and photos in time to share them earlier.

Your gifts helped us fund the Christmas outreach of a local church that we work with in the country. Here is a report in the pastor’s own words:
We’re so thankful to the Lord for last year, what an amazing year 2020 it was. We are also so grateful to the Lord for the Christmas season we all had here. It was truly a season where the Lord used all of us to share His tangible love to many children, needy families and churches in rural areas. A couple of weeks ago, a few of us went down to visit another rural church and the young pastor and family who’re serving there in the midst of much hardships. For the last couple of years, we’ve been sending some help as we can towards the children and believers in that church. Last Christmas, I really wanted to go down there and visit them in person because I had not been there in person before. What a joy it was to see this young man’s commitment in an area where he constantly faces not only hardships and need but also many oppositions from the local Hindus and Buddhists.
We are also thankful to you for partnering with us toward buying gifts for our kids here at our church. We gathered most of our kids on the 19th of December and we had a blessed time with all of them. They all went home with so much joy and a big smile after receiving gifts and snack packs for Christmas. Also, our precious kids at our village children’s groups were truly blessed with Christmas gifts. This month, we’re hoping to bless them with some essentials for schooling.
Thank you again for everything. Last year alone the Lord used your ministry to partner with us a few times in helping many needy people. This past Christmas we were able to bless more than 230 kids in addition to the more than 300 families were blessed during the past few months. Thank you so much for everything. Your partnership means a lot for us
As we have always heard, a picture is worth a thousand words; so, just look at these happy faces – they tell the whole story!