
Articles and book excerpts from the teachings and mission adventures of Dr. Delron Shirley.  Each article is always timely and thought-provoking as it uncovers insights into walking with God.

August 2014 Meditation – The Jeremiah Mission

Jeremiah lived in tumultuous times -- times of the making and breaking of kings and kingdoms. He began his ministry during Josiah’s sweeping reformation that turned the nation toward repentance from widespread idolatry; yet, Jeremiah continued to prophesy under the...

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July 2014 Meditation – Thy Kingdom Come

The initial request in the Lord’s Prayer is that God’s kingdom would come to earth. (Matthew 6:10)  Not only did Jesus pray that it would come, He also prophesied that it would come -- or, at least, that the message about its arrival would eventually be spread through...

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March 2014 Meditation – HAVE A HEART

We have learned that David’s key and the key we need to open the door for us to reach our world is to have a perfect heart.  Of course, we’ve all heard the expression, “Have a heart,” but today let’s consider exactly what that means.  To get started, let’s take a...

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February 2014 Meditation – DAVID EXPOSED

In 2004, Michelangelo’s famous sculpture, David, went through an extensive cleaning and restoration process in celebration of its five-hundredth birthday.  Half a millennium of grime has been removed to once again reveal the majestic splendor with which the...

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December 2013 Meditation – Awake

When the little boy’s mom put her finger to her lips and blew out a little “shh” to remind him to be quiet in church, the lad looked quizzically back at his mother and whispered, “How come do we have to be quiet in church? Are there people trying to sleep?” Yes,...

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August 2013 Meditation – Empowered

Just prior to His ascension, Jesus appeared to the disciples in Jerusalem and emphasized another dimension of the Great Commission—the need to be supernaturally empowered for the task before them.  He then led them to the Mount of Olives where He reemphasized this...

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July 2013 Meditation – The Power of a Story

Just as I had discovered that there were three keys in David’s approach to challenging the giant and that there were three aspects to each of these keys, the committee developing the discipleship program understood that there was also a three-pronged approach to...

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March 2013 Meditation – Jonah’s Missing Key

The next point I see in the story of Nineveh is the missed opportunity to shepherd the new converts.  As best as we can tell, Jonah did nothing to follow up on the great revival in Nineveh.  It was likely the greatest missed opportunity in all of human history; yet...

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December 2012 Meditation – Sent

When John the Beloved recorded the Great Commission, he remembered the words of Jesus stating that He was sending the church into the world in the same way that the Father sent Him. Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were...

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November 2012 Meditation – Divine Teamwork

In order to see how all three persons of the Godhead are personally involved in helping us complete the task Jesus has given us, let’s take a look at I Corinthians chapter twelve.  Even though your Bible may list this chapter as a discussion of spiritual gifts, it is...

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