
Articles and book excerpts from the teachings and mission adventures of Dr. Delron Shirley.  Each article is always timely and thought-provoking as it uncovers insights into walking with God.

Meditation August 2018 – Have a Heart

We have learned that David’s key and the key we need to open the door for us to reach our world is to have a perfect heart. Of course, we’ve all heard the expression, “Have a heart,” but today let’s consider exactly what that means. To get started, let’s take a short...

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Meditation June 2018 – COLOSSAL COLOSSIANS

The Colossus of Rhodes towered more than one hundred feet tall above the harbor of the Greek island of Rhodes, making it one of the tallest statues of the ancient world. This gigantic statue of the Greek god Helios was erected about three hundred years before the...

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Meditation May 2018 – Awake

When the little boy’s mom put her finger to her lips and blew out a little “shh” to remind him to be quiet in church, the lad looked quizzically back at his mother and whispered, “How come do we have to be quiet in church?  Are there people trying to sleep?”  Yes,...

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Meditation April 2018 – Interface

While I was ministering in Belfast, Ireland, my host took me around the city to become acquainted a bit with its history and traditions.  We, of course, made a stop at the shipyard where the ill-fated Titanic was built and made an extensive tour of sites where the...

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March 2018 Meditation – Surviving Shipwreck

A number years ago, my family and I excitedly set sail on a weekend cruise. It was the first cruise experience for all of us, and we all recalled scenes from the movie Titanic as we participated in the initial activity on board the ship -- an emergency evacuation...

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January 2018 Meditation: Stop Vomiting

In Proverbs chapter twenty-three, we find an oft-quoted passage that I have frequently ministered and taught on -- and even wrote a whole book about.  Yet, I have always been rather perplexed concerning the context in which this passage appears.  Verse seven begins...

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December 2017 Meditation: Christian Virtue

We often hear messages about faith that make us feel that having faith is the end to which we as Christians are to strive.  On the contrary, the Peter admonished us to that faith should be considered as simply the starting point--the launching pad--for our Christian...

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July 2017 Meditation – Christian Secrets

Certainly, we have all marveled in amazement at magicians who made things appear from nowhere and made other things disappear into thin air.  Is it demonic power (?), illusion (?), a trick (?), sleight of hand (?), science (?), what (?).  The best answer is that these...

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April 2017 Meditation – Influence

At some point or another in our lives, we have all stood on the bank of a pond, dropping in pebbles and watching the ripples race across the surface of the pond in ever-increasing circles until they disappear at the far shore.  I’m certain that you are as amazed as I...

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