Nepal Projects

As we approach six months after the earthquake, the first three phases of our relief and rebuilding project in Nepal are nearing completion.  The first three churches/community centers are close enough to completion for services to be held in the buildings.  The next...

Nepal Earthquake 2015 Special Report

Special Report: Nepal Earthquake 2015 “Where is my daughter?” the muffled cry came as the pastor pulled the young lady from his congregation out of the rubble of a collapsed building.  He comforted the young mother with the assurance that her daughter was safe and...

Nepal Earthquake 2015 Update

My son Jeremy and I have just returned from visiting with the earthquake victims in Nepal.  The country was still experiencing aftershocks and tremors during our time there. I am no stranger to devastation – having been in Nicaragua just after a hurricane ravaged the...

TAN Mission to Nepal

Nestled in the Himalaya Mountains between China and India, this small nation of nearly twenty-nine million people is still basically Hindu although the king was recently removed from power and a secular democracy put in place.  Hindus still make up seventy-two percent...