Bingo – A Fresh Look at Grace


An old joke tells of a man who stood at the Pearly Gates recounting all his good deeds in an effort to gain entry into ParadiseWhen Saint Peter tallied up the gentleman’s score, he did not have anywhere near enough points to qualifyHis knee-jerk reaction to the count was, “I’ll never get in except by the grace of God.”  At that instant, the gates swung open and Saint Peter graciously welcomed the gentleman insideWe all know that it is only through grace that we will ever inherit the kingdom of God, but how much do we understand about this all-important subjectJoin Bible teacher Delron Shirley as he explores the biblical principle of grace and investigates some of the current misconceptions. 

By Dr. Delron Shirley 

Don’t Leave Home Without It


From the mid-1970s through the late-1990s, the American Express company promoted their travelers’ checks with the slogan, “Don’t leave home without them” – making it the most successful advertising campaign in commercial history. When the bulk of financial transactions shifted from cash to credit cards, it was a simple fix to substitute “it” for “them” – continuing the effective marketing tool. However cutting-edge this approach might have seemed at the time, it was actually almost two millennia behind the times. It was Jesus who originated the slogan when He told His disciples that they should not go out into the world to represent Him until they waited in Jerusalem to receive the infilling of the Holy Spirit, “Behold, I send the
promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high” (Luke 24:49) – essentially “Don’t leave home without it”!

By Dr. Delron Shirley

Getting More UMPH Out of Your Bible


“Umph” is an alternate spelling “oomph,” which is an informal noun meaning energy, vitality, enthusiasm, or sex appeal – hardly a word that most people would think of associating with the Bible. How can a book filled with “thee”s, “thou”s, and endless lists of “begat”s have sex appeal or one that has been used to condemn us to hell for our sins be considered to have vitality? The problem is that we just haven’t discovered how to find the understanding, meaning, practicality, hope, help, and healing within its pages. In this short study, Dr. Delron Shirley shares the keys that he has discovered in his lifetime as a student and teacher of the Bible. Learn how the Bible can come alive to you and you to its truths.

By Dr. Delron Shirley

No Longer Bound – From Peggy Shirley


An old joke tells of a man who stood at the Pearly Gates recounting all his good deeds in an effort to gain entry into ParadiseWhen Saint Peter tallied up the gentleman’s score, he did not have anywhere near enough points to qualifyHis knee-jerk reaction to the count was, “I’ll never get in except by the grace of God.”  At that instant, the gates swung open and Saint Peter graciously welcomed the gentleman insideWe all know that it is only through grace that we will ever inherit the kingdom of God, but how much do we understand about this all-important subjectJoin Bible teacher Delron Shirley as he explores the biblical principle of grace and investigates some of the current misconceptions. 

By Peggy Shirley 

Reaching Forward


We all desire to reach beyond ourselves and our own time, but God also desires that we have influence that goes far beyond our present limitations.  In this little book, Bible teacher Delron Shirley shares some biblical and practical insights into how to effectively expand your circle of influence and have lasting impact for the kingdom’s sake.

By Dr. Delron Shirley

So Send I You – A Missionary Story


As you read So Send I You, you’ll find the words “I,” “me,” and “my” a lot more times than I personally am comfortable with. Yes, So Send I You is my story, but it could – and should – also be your story. The only reason that I have talked about myself is with the hope that you can also see yourself – or, at least, the self you have always dreamt of being – reflected in at least some of the stories I’ve shared. In this book, you will read how God uniquely called, methodically positioned, and strategically sent me into the lives of so many all around the world. Such selection, grooming, and commissioning is not the privilege of a select few. It’s God’s plan for all His children – including you.

God has a very simple strategy for changing the world, and it can be spelled out with just three little letters: Y O U. My prayer is that these simple narratives will inspire you to present yourself to be the next one that Jesus sends to do His work in the world!

By Dr. Delron Shirley

Triumphant Rebirth of Hope


We’ve all heard preachers who extol the necessity of having faith make disparaging comments about hope like “If you’re just hoping for God to do something in your life, you’re gonna be disappointed because the only way you’re gonna get anything form God is through faith!”  IN other words, hope has had a pretty “bad rap” over the years. However , the Bible ranks hope right “up there” with faith and love as a cardinal virtue.

And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.  (1 Corinthians 13:13

We have seen whole movements in the Body of Christ focused on love (like the Jesus Movement with its ubiquitous “Smile, God loves you” stickers) and others centered around faith ( such as the Word and Faith Movement with its “Believe and receive or doubt and go without” mantra), but perhaps it is time that we turn our attention to hope as well.  We often hear the expression “Don’t give up hope” as an encouragement to keep on believing for an answer to a challenging situation.  Thinking of this admonition from a different perspective, I say, “Don’t give up hope” – intending to remind the Body of Christ that hope is still a vital component in our Christian experience.

By Dr. Delron Shirley

Turning The World Upside Down And Back Again


The early Christians were accused of creating chaos everywhere they went. It was said that Paul either incited a riot or stirred up a revival. But they may actually be two sides of the same coin – the move of God that brings upheaval to the status quo and at the same time established God’s proper order to things. How long has it been since you were accused of turning the world upside down? In the pages of this little book, you can find out how release the impact of the kingdom of God into the world around you.

By Dr. Delron Shirley

Dr. Livingstone, I Presume


Probably the most famous quote in all the annals of missionary history is the greeting of newsman and adventurer Henry Stanley when he finally reached missionary and explorer David Livingstone in the remote interior of Africa, “Dr. Livingstone, I presume?” In this little study based on that historic encounter, Bible teacher and missionary Dr. Delron Shirley considers how we can really pick out who is a missionary. His real hope is that you can find yourself in these few short pages and join the call to fulfill the Great Commission of bringing the gospel of Jesus Christ to the whole world in this generation.

By Dr. Delron Shirley

The Non-Conformer’s Trilogy 


The Non-Conformer’s Trilogy consists of short independent works that are intended to stand alone but should also be read as a series since they have a unifying theme.  Good People, Bad Things, and Vice Versadeals with the age-old question of why God allows bad things to happen to good people and good things to happen to bad people; the sequel, A New Dawn Rises, deals with the struggles that we go through as Christians, and the concluding volume, Becoming a Person of Legacy, suggests an approach to living a life that makes a lasting mark in history.  The consistent thread that is woven throughout the fiber of each book is the biblical principle that a man is what he thinks about in his heart (Proverbs 23:7) and that we have to determine not to be forced into the mold of thinking like everyone else does (Romans 12:2) – hence, the tile: The Non-Conformer’s Trilogy.

By Dr. Delron Shirley..

Christmas Thoughts


Christmas. The very mention of the word fills our hearts and heads with thoughts–joyous memories, visions of childhood delights, scenes of family gatherings, smells of fresh pastries, tastes of delicious holiday treats, recollections of special friends, strains for favorite carols, and “warm fuzzies” of evergreens, mistletoe, roaring fires, fancy wrappings, shiny decorations, and happy faces.

Yes, Christmas is all about thoughts. And we invite you to snuggle up with a hot chocolate and delve into our thoughts about Christmas–and the Christ child whose coming we are celebrating.

By Dr. Delron Shirley

Cornerstones Of The Faith


In our Christian faith, there are also some important cornerstones which serve as foundations to bear the weight of the life we are to build upon them, as indicators or identifiers of who we are as believers, as ceremonial testimonies to the fact that our lives are being built upon Christ, and a unquestionable and invariable standards against which to test and measure everything else in our lives.

Proper attention to these essential cornerstones of our faith ensure that our lives rest upon a firm foundation so that we will not fail or falter.  Join Dr. Delron Shirley in an examination of the foundation on which our lives must be built.

By Dr. Delron Shirley..

Daily Devotional Study Bible Vol 1


This five-volume set of studies takes you on a four-year journey through the Bible.  Each manual consists of a walk through the scripture based on studying one chapter each weekday for the fifty-two weeks in a year.  Each daily entry includes one verse to memorize.  Next comes a short distillation of the basic principle of the chapter and a brief outline of the chapter.  This study is intended to be of a rather devotional approach.

The Bible study is followed by a simple prayer intended to bring the truth of the chapter into practical application.  A section for the reader’s notes follows where you can log your own personal revelations and insights about the chapter.  A space for logging your own personal spiritual journal (which could include prayer requests, answered prayers, and testimonies) rounds out the daily devotion.  The entries for the weekends are a similar format for a study through Psalms.  Just twenty minutes a day, seven days a week, fifty-two weeks a year will produce one brand new man in each friend who seriously applies himself to the program and the  program to himself.

By Dr. Delron Shirley..

Daily Devotional Study Bible Vol 2


This five-volume set of studies takes you on a four-year journey through the Bible.  Each manual consists of a walk through the scripture based on studying one chapter each weekday for the fifty-two weeks in a year.  Each daily entry includes one verse to memorize.  Next comes a short distillation of the basic principle of the chapter and a brief outline of the chapter.  This study is intended to be of a rather devotional approach.

The Bible study is followed by a simple prayer intended to bring the truth of the chapter into practical application.  A section for the reader’s notes follows where you can log your own personal revelations and insights about the chapter.  A space for logging your own personal spiritual journal (which could include prayer requests, answered prayers, and testimonies) rounds out the daily devotion.  The entries for the weekends are a similar format for a study through Psalms.  Just twenty minutes a day, seven days a week, fifty-two weeks a year will produce one brand new man in each friend who seriously applies himself to the program and the  program to himself.

By Dr. Delron Shirley

Daily Devotional Study Bible Vol 3


This five-volume set of studies takes you on a four-year journey through the Bible.  Each manual consists of a walk through the scripture based on studying one chapter each weekday for the fifty-two weeks in a year.  Each daily entry includes one verse to memorize.  Next comes a short distillation of the basic principle of the chapter and a brief outline of the chapter.  This study is intended to be of a rather devotional approach.

The Bible study is followed by a simple prayer intended to bring the truth of the chapter into practical application.  A section for the reader’s notes follows where you can log your own personal revelations and insights about the chapter.  A space for logging your own personal spiritual journal (which could include prayer requests, answered prayers, and testimonies) rounds out the daily devotion.  The entries for the weekends are a similar format for a study through Psalms.  Just twenty minutes a day, seven days a week, fifty-two weeks a year will produce one brand new man in each friend who seriously applies himself to the program and the  program to himself.

By Dr. Delron Shirley

Daily Devotional Study Bible Vol 4


This five-volume set of studies takes you on a four-year journey through the Bible.  Each manual consists of a walk through the scripture based on studying one chapter each weekday for the fifty-two weeks in a year.  Each daily entry includes one verse to memorize.  Next comes a short distillation of the basic principle of the chapter and a brief outline of the chapter.  This study is intended to be of a rather devotional approach.

The Bible study is followed by a simple prayer intended to bring the truth of the chapter into practical application.  A section for the reader’s notes follows where you can log your own personal revelations and insights about the chapter.  A space for logging your own personal spiritual journal (which could include prayer requests, answered prayers, and testimonies) rounds out the daily devotion.  The entries for the weekends are a similar format for a study through Psalms.  Just twenty minutes a day, seven days a week, fifty-two weeks a year will produce one brand new man in each friend who seriously applies himself to the program and the  program to himself.

By Dr. Delron Shirley

Daily Devotional Study Bible Vol 5


This five-volume set of studies takes you on a four-year journey through the Bible.  Each manual consists of a walk through the scripture based on studying one chapter each weekday for the fifty-two weeks in a year.  Each daily entry includes one verse to memorize.  Next comes a short distillation of the basic principle of the chapter and a brief outline of the chapter.  This study is intended to be of a rather devotional approach.

The Bible study is followed by a simple prayer intended to bring the truth of the chapter into practical application.  A section for the reader’s notes follows where you can log your own personal revelations and insights about the chapter.  A space for logging your own personal spiritual journal (which could include prayer requests, answered prayers, and testimonies) rounds out the daily devotion.  The entries for the weekends are a similar format for a study through Psalms.  Just twenty minutes a day, seven days a week, fifty-two weeks a year will produce one brand new man in each friend who seriously applies himself to the program and the  program to himself.

By Dr. Delron Shirley

Daily Devotional Bible Study (Set of 5)


Daily Devotional Bible Study 5 Volume Set $79.99

This five-volume set of studies takes you on a four-year journey through the Bible.  Each manual consists of a walk through the scripture based on studying one chapter each weekday for the fifty-two weeks in a year.  Each daily entry includes one verse to memorize.  Next comes a short distillation of the basic principle of the chapter and a brief outline of the chapter.  This study is intended to be of a rather devotional approach.

The Bible study is followed by a simple prayer intended to bring the truth of the chapter into practical application.  A section for the reader’s notes follows where you can log your own personal revelations and insights about the chapter.  A space for logging your own personal spiritual journal (which could include prayer requests, answered prayers, and testimonies) rounds out the daily devotion.  The entries for the weekends are a similar format for a study through Psalms.  Just twenty minutes a day, seven days a week, fifty-two weeks a year will produce one brand new man in each friend who seriously applies himself to the program and the  program to himself.

By Dr. Delron Shirley ..

Daily Ditties from Delron’s Desk I


I believe that a ditty is supposed to be a poem or a song, but I grew up with the Carolina colloquialism of a ditty being a short, pithy saying or writing.  Having written only one noteworthy poem in my life, I’m definitely not a poet, but I do hope that these few thoughts I’m sharing in these little books will be short and pithy enough to inspire a little something into your life each day.  4 Volumes – 12.99 each

By Dr. Delron Shirley 

Daily Ditties from Delron’s Desk II


I believe that a ditty is supposed to be a poem or a song, but I grew up with the Carolina colloquialism of a ditty being a short, pithy saying or writing. Having written only one noteworthy poem in my life, I’m definitely not a poet, but I do hope that these few thoughts I’m sharing in these little books will be short and pithy enough to inspire a little something into your life each day. 4 Volumes – $12.99 each

By Dr. Delron Shirley 

Daily Ditties from Delron’s Desk III


I believe that a ditty is supposed to be a poem or a song, but I grew up with the Carolina colloquialism of a ditty being a short, pithy saying or writing. Having written only one noteworthy poem in my life, I’m definitely not a poet, but I do hope that these few thoughts I’m sharing in these little books will be short and pithy enough to inspire a little something into your life each day. 4 Volumes – $12.99 each

By Dr. Delron Shirley 

Daily Ditties from Delron’s Desk IV


I believe that a ditty is supposed to be a poem or a song, but I grew up with the Carolina colloquialism of a ditty being a short, pithy saying or writing. Having written only one noteworthy poem in my life, I’m definitely not a poet, but I do hope that these few thoughts I’m sharing in these little books will be short and pithy enough to inspire a little something into your life each day. 4 Volumes – $12.99 each

By Dr. Delron Shirley 

Daily Ditties from Delron’s Desk V


Each new day comes with its own challenges and blessings.  In Daily Ditties from Delron’s Desk, you’ll enjoy a little pick-me-up to get your day started.  So sit back with a warm cup of coffee or tea and see what in store your you today.

By Dr. Delron Shirley 

Daily Ditties from Delron’s Desk VI


Each new day comes with its own challenges and blessings.  In Daily Ditties from Delron’s Desk, you’ll enjoy a little pick-me-up to get your day started.  So sit back with a warm cup of coffee or tea and see what in store your you today.

By Dr. Delron Shirley 

Daily Ditties from Delron’s Desk Volume VII


Each new day comes with its own challenges and blessings. In DailyDitties from Delron’s Desk, you’ll enjoy a little pick-me-up to get your day started. So sit back with a warm cup of coffee or tea and see what in store your you today.

By Dr. Delron Shirley 

Daily Ditties from Delron’s Desk VIII


Each new day comes with its own challenges and blessings. In Daily Ditties from Delron’s Desk, you’ll enjoy a little pick-me-up to get your day started. So sit back with a warm cup of coffee or tea and see what in store your you today.

By Dr. Delron Shirley 

Finally My Brethren


“Finally, my brethren…”  These are words that seem all too familiar to us when we think of putting on the armor of God for spiritual warfare.  However, we often miss the real impact of Paul’s message to the church because we have used this as our starting point.  But just as we don’t start at the top step when we climb a ladder, we can’t begin our preparation for spiritual warfare at the last step–putting on the armor.

In fact, the Apostle Paul gave us more than fifty steps of preparation to complete before we are ready to get dressed for battle.  Join Delron Shirley as he uncovers these often neglected truths.  Discover life-transforming truths about your enemy, yourself, God, who you are in Christ, who Christ is in you, and your position in the struggle between the powers of heaven and hell.

By Dr. Delron Shirley 

Going Deeper in Jesus


Using the illustration of searching out the riches in a treasure chest, Bible teacher Delron Shirley takes you on a seventy-three-day journey into a deeper and fuller relationship with Jesus in Going Deeper in Jesus.  In some rabbinic sects within Judaism, the number seventy-three represents perfection, wisdom, and even God Himself.  Even though there is no magical significance to the number, the revelations from the Word of God that are explored in this little study will certainly trust you forward on a quest that can bring you toward wisdom, perfection, and – yes – God Himself.. 

By Dr. Delron Shirley 

In This Sign Conquer


Marching toward an enemy that he wasn’t sure he could defeat, Constantine questioned himself, his army, his military abilities, and even his deities.  Then suddenly something happened that changed his life.  No, something happened that changed the whole history of Western civilization.  He saw a vision in the sky of the Christian cross accompanied by the words, “In this sign conquer.”  Abandoning his pagan gods and accepting the cross of Christ as his battle insignia, he marched into the Battle of Malvian, defeated Maxentius, and took the throne of the Roman Empire.  Since none of us was there in AD 312, we can’t be certain how sincere the new emperor was in his acceptance of the cross as his victory symbol.  However, we must know that there are signs and symbols which God has give to each of us to ensure our victory and success in life.  Join Bible teacher Delron Shirley as he explores this fascinating topic.

By Dr. Delron Shirley ..



This book should be viewed as an anthology because each of the seven studies was written at a different time with no deliberate connection to the other six.  However, there is a thread running through these independent studies that ties them all together as they communicate different aspects of one unified message—being strategic in our spirituality.  The first study deals directly with the interfaces discussed in the Bible where we connect with the world around us, the kingdom of heaven, and the kingdom of darkness.  The second study in the series discusses finding the sensitive balance between two necessary interfaces—our need to spend time with God and our mandate to rise up and interact with the world.  The third and fourth studies have to do with the biblical truths that we need to understand in order to accurately interface with our God, our world, and ourselves.  In the letters to the seven churches of Asia Minor recorded in Revelation chapters two and there, only one of the churches is specifically mentioned as being at an interface; the church at Philadelphia is said to have a open door set before it.  Interestingly, this is also the only church that is specifically mentioned as having a relationship with the Word of God. (Revelation 3:8, 10)  Therefore, it is significant that we take some time to explore some foundational biblical truths that we must stand upon as we approach the various interfaces set before us.  The fifth study takes us through the life of one of our most beloved biblical heroes—David, the shepherd boy who killed a giant and wrote beautiful psalms.  Although his life was riddled with one failure after another, he somehow attained the report that he was a man after God’s own heart, which is the key to opening the doors of interface with the world that we learn about in the letter to the Philadelphian church. (Revelation 3:7)  Next, we look at what it really means to have heart after the very heart of God—one that Bob Pierce, founder of World Vision, described as being broken with the same things that break the heart of God.  Finally, the book concludes with a challenge to never fall short of the opportunities and blessing that God has provided for us as we interface with the One who sent us and those with whom we are to interface.

By Dr. Delron Shirley 

Israel, Key To Human Destiny


The Jewish people and the nation of Israel are puzzles and enigmas in world politics and human logic.  How can it be that a group of people who account for less that one half of a percent of the world’s population is responsible for one out of every five Nobel Peace prizes?  Israel is so tiny a territory that no world map can even squeeze its name on the space allotted it on the layout, yet this minuscule nation dominates our evening news every night.

Why is it that one little country of only a few million people can tie up the wealth, the foreign policy, and the political movements of the greatest nations on the face of the earth?  Why is it that of all the ethnic groups in the world, only one bears the stigma (or honor) of having its name specifically coined into a word of hate and antagonism: anti-Semitism?  The answers to these puzzling questions lie in the fact that these are no ordinary people and this is no ordinary piece of real estate.

By Dr. Delron Shirley 

Lessons Along The Way


By Dr. Delron Shirley

Lessons from the Life of David


In 2004, Michelangelo’s famous sculpture, David, went through an extensive cleaning and restoration process in celebration of its five-hundredth birthday.  Half a millennium of grime has been removed to once again reveal the majestic splendor with which the masterpiece sparkled when it was first placed in the Piazza Signoria in Florence, Italy.

This famous marble statue has often been noted as a most perfect depiction of the human body.  And we often think of its subject — the biblical David — as being perfect as well.  However, the wonderful thing about the Bible is that it tells the truth — even about its greatest heroes.  They are presented to us as uncovered as Michelangelo’s subject, with the only difference being that the Bible depicts its subjects with all their warts, mid-rib bulges, scars, and other defects.  In Lessons from the Life of David, Bible teacher Delron Shirley explores both David’s triumphs and failures in order to find valuable lessons for our own lives for today.

By Dr. Delron Shirley 

Living for the End Times


“The end is near!”  “Jesus is coming back!”  “These are the last days!”  We all heard these prophecies.  Sometimes, we’ve heard them so often and over such a long period of time that they may have lost their impact.  Yes, we believe that these are the last days, but we somehow keep living as if we think that things will always keep going as they always have and that nothing is ever going to change.  Is it possible that we have given mental ascent to the concept of the end time but never let it really get hold of our lives?  Let’s explore what it means to live our lives as if we really believed that these are the end days–after all, they really are!

By Dr. Delron Shirley

Maturing into the Full Stature of Jesus Christ


As a child, I learned a little song in children’s church: “To be like Jesus, to be like Jesus.  That’s all I ask–just to be like Him.”  When I grew up, I realized that there was a whole lot more to becoming like Christ than just singing a little children’s song.  It has been said that going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than sitting in the garage will make you an automobile or sitting in a donut shop will make you a policeman.  There is a maturing process that we must go through if we ever hope to manifest the true nature of Christ in our lives.  That maturing process demands that we have a total transformation in the way we think — that we be brainwashed, if you will.  It requires more than just saying the right words; after all a parrot can speak English, but he is not an Englishman.  In the same way, we must not settle for just learning the Christian jargon; we must be transformed into the very likeness of Christ through the renewing of our mentalities.  You may not be what you think you are, but what you think–YOU ARE!  Join Bible teacher Delron Shirley as he investigates how the way we think determines who and what we will be.  Learn how your thinking can transform you into the full stature of Jesus Christ.

By Dr. Delron Shirley

Maximum Impact 


He showed up totally unannounced with no publicity agent, no campaign manager, and no budget to fund a campaign.  Yet within just three weeks, he established a viable community of faith that was soon acknowledged and recognized as a role model throughout the world.  Who was this man, and how did he flip the world one hundred eighty degrees on its axis?  Join Bible teacher Dr. Delron Shirley as he makes a fascinating quest into the man, the methods, and the mission of a man who left maximum impact everywhere he went.

By Dr. Delron Shirley 

Of Kings and Prophets


In Of Kings and Prophets, Bible teacher Dr. Delron Shirley invites you into his time machine to travel back through the corridors of time to visit the era of the Old Testament kings and prophets in the nations of Israel and Judah – the men who shaped the destinies of their nations.  In walking through the encounters, interactions, and conflicts in the lives of these historical figures, we are constantly reminded of the words of the New Testament writer who said that everything that happened in the lives of these men serves as an example and a caution to us so that we can have hope that we can make a difference in our own generation. (Romans 15:4, I Corinthians 10:11). 

By Dr. Delron Shirley 

Passion for the Harvest


We all know the Lord’s statement that the harvest is plenteous but the laborers are few.  However, I would like to suggest a little different consideration of the situation: the harvest is plenteous but the laborers are untrained.  The cover photograph of a Nepali woman harvesting her grain not only pictures the primitive conditions in which the third world harvests their physical grain, it also helps us get a glimpse of the need for the entire Body of Christ to be train for the spiritual harvest as well.  In Passion for the Harvest, Bible teacher Delron Shirley exposes some of the pertinent truths necessary for preparing us for the challenge of the harvest.  Learn how to sow in order to reap an abundant harvest and how to discern the harvest that the Lord is sending your way.  Learn how to develop the resourcefulness and the expectant hope necessary to stand steadfastly until the harvest manifests and discover new truths concerning the tools and the stamina necessary for reaping the full harvest.  In short, develop a passion for the harvest!

By Dr. Delron Shirley 

People Who Make A Difference


Have you ever noticed that there are some people who just seem to stand out from the crowd?  Although they may seem ordinary in so many ways, there is just some special something about them that identifies them as unique individuals.

Though they may not be the “movers and shakers” that we think of as the ones who can push their way to the top of the corporate ladder, they somehow wind up leaving an indelible mark on their worlds.  Let’s explore what it is that makes some people the ones who make a difference.  Better yet, let’s learn how to be those individuals!


By Dr. Delron Shirley 

Positioned for Blessing and Power


In the first Psalm, David gave us a formula for a life that qualifies for God’s blessings – be careful about where you walk, sit, and stand.  In the book of Ephesians, the Apostle Paul gave us a formula on how to live in the power and authority of God – be determinate about where we sit, walk, and stand.  In Positioned for Blessing and Power, Bible teacher Delron Shirley combines these two principles – one from the Old Testament and one form the New – in a way that can revolutionize your life.

By Dr. Delron Shirley ..

Problem People Of The Bible


In Problem People of the Bible, you will meet many of the biblical characters you have had to skip over as you did your daily reading because you simply couldn’t understand exactly how their lives figures into the message of God’s love and plan of salvation.  This insightful story will help you make sense of their place in the grand scheme of the Bible and the story of God’s dealings with the human family.

By Dr. Delron Shirley 

Seeds and Harvest


“Mighty oaks from tiny acorns grow.”  “Even the simplest of children can count the seeds in an apple, but even the wisest of men cannot count the apples in a seed.”  Yes, we are all aware of the mystery of multiplication in a seed.  And most of us have learned to apply – or, at least, to try to apply – that principle to our finances.  But maybe we have failed to recognize many other biblical truths about seeds and the harvest they produce.  In Seeds and Harvest, you’ll explore the truth that the harvest doesn’t always come in the same form as the seed, the principle that we don’t always reap from the same field where we have sown, the reality that we can even reap from seeds that others have sown – and much more.

By Dr. Delron Shirley 

So, You Want To Be A Preacher?


A distillation of Delron Shirley’s twenty-five years of mentoring young ministers and the evaluation of over ten thousand church services and sermons, So You Wanna Be A Preacher covers a wide range of topics from how to recognize and respond to the call into the ministry to tips on preparing and presenting your sermons and on getting them published.

Special emphasis is given to helping you understand the minister’s job description and recognizing how to manifest the Holy Spirit’s presence in your ministry.  The minister’s personal life including discussion of ethics and etiquette is a major focus in the study.  No matter what your ministry or calling, you are guaranteed to get new insights in your role as a minister and gain some helpful hints into effectively serving the Lord and His people.

By Dr. Delron Shirley 

The Great Commission, Doable


While traversing the teeming streets of Kathmandu, Nepal, missionary teacher Delron Shirley was overwhelmed with the throng of people who had not yet heard the gospel of Jesus Christ. Looking out at the myriad of faces, it seemed like an impossible task to reach them all. Yet, he knew that Jesus’ directive was that the gospel be taken to every human-not just in this one city, but on the entire planet. If reaching this one city seemed like a gargantuan challenge, reaching the planet was beyond imagination! Join Delron in his quest through the scriptures as he explores why the Bible promises that the Great Commission can actually be accomplished and how it is doable in our generation.


By Dr. Delron Shirley

The IN Factors


It was offering time in the Sunday school class, and the teacher directed the children to quote a Bible verse about giving as they dropped in their nickels and dimes.  A little Afro-American girl with her hair in meticulously cornrow braids grinned from ear to ear as she dropped in the first coin and quoted, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”  Her redheaded, freckle-faced friend shyly blushed as she added to the coffer while mumbling, “Give and it shall be given back to you.”  Next, a young guy tossed in what might have been his “tooth fairy money” as he flashed a broad smile that exposed the spot where his front tooth had been last Sunday.  He then recited, “The Lord loves a cheerful giver.”  As the fourth little fellow stumbled through, “The seed in the good soil brought forth thirty-, sixty-, and one-hundred-fold return,” the teacher anxiously eyed the next child — a first-time visitor who had not been schooled in any of the “giving” passages.  Anxious over the fact that the guest would be embarrassed, her heart raced a bit as the offering basket reached him.

As the reluctant little tyke begrudgingly plunked in his contribution, he blurted out, “A fool and his money are soon parted.”   Although the visitor’s quote wasn’t from the Bible, it was apparently more appropriate in his own case than any of the verses with which the teacher had coached the rest of the pupils.  The truth is that most of us, like the students in the elementary class, have been taught only part of the lesson of what God wants us to know about finances.  In The IN Factors, Bible teacher Delron Shirley invites you to join him as he explores some of the lessons that have been taught — but equally important — truths on the topic.

By Dr. Delron Shirley 

The Last Enemy


Fear?  Death?  Defeated!!  The Bible declares that death is our ultimate enemy and that the fear of death is a cruel warden that can hold us in the chains of slavery and bondage throughout our lives.  BUT, our enemy Death has met his Waterloo and can no longer hold us in his power.  In The Last Enemy, explore Passover weekend AD 33 and how it changed your destiny.

By Dr. Delron Shirley 

Tread Marks 


Does your life leave a mark on the people you meet and circumstances you find yourself in? In Tread Marks, you’ll learn a number of where-the-rubber-meets-the-road principles of successful Christian living that are guaranteed to ensure that you will leave a positive impression on individuals and society. Based on biblical principles and true life experiences, this book grapples with everyday life issues and presents simple but effective approaches to facing them successfully and victoriously.

From the stories of the sinking of the Titanic and an African safari adventures to the expositions on Joshua’s conquest of the Promised Land and Joseph’s rise from slavery to the second most powerful man in Egypt, you’ll be entertained, inspired, and motivated. In Tread Marks, you’ll discover how your life and make a lasting impression.


By Dr. Delron Shirley 

Verse for the Day


In A Verse for the Day, Bible teacher Delron Shirley brings you a new insight into the Word of God each day with observations about the unique contributions the selected verses can make in our lives.

Though the studies of these verses are by no means comprehensive or exhaustive, the fresh insights you’ll gain in these daily visits with the Word of God are guaranteed to encourage, challenge, and inspire you in your walk with the Lord.

By Dr. Delron Shirley 

Verse for the Day II

In A Verse for the Day, Bible teacher Delron Shirley brings you a new insight into the Word of God each day with observations about the unique contributions the selected verses can make in our lives.  Though the studies of these verses are by no means comprehensive or exhaustive, the fresh insights you’ll gain in these daily visits with the Word of God are guaranteed to encourage, challenge, and inspire you in your walk with the Lord.

By Dr. Delron Shirley 

Women For The Harvest, by Peggy Shirley


“God’s secret weapon”–that’s how many people are coming to realize that we, as women are in the world of ministry.  One example is, Dr. Yonggi Cho, who has the second largest church in the world.  He has been quoted as saying, “Women are the greatest evangelistic tools.  Some day the church will catch on.”  In this volume, author Peggy Shirley does an in-depth study into the history of why women have been forbidden from taking their God-given place in the church and explores the powerful biblical and historical examples of what happens when women are allowed to use the giftings which God has placed inside them.

A revealing study of the scriptures which have long been used to block women from service, coupled with a motivational study on how to break free from the bondages which have held women back and a wealth of practical suggestions and advice — this book is guaranteed to release you to become a true laborer in God’s end-time harvest.

By Peggy Shirley 

You’ll be Darned to Heck


You’ll be Darned to Heck if You Don’t Believe in Gosh and Other Musings is eclectic collection of meditations and musings that address many issues concerning our Christian faith, including exactly what the Bible teaches about hell and who will go there, how prayer works, and how we should understand exactly who Jesus is.  This study also takes you on a spiritual journey that delves into such topics as simple advice for Christian leaders and the biblical formula for radical change — both in your own personality and in the complexion of a whole nation.

Lighthearted at times, but always simple and straight forward, this refreshing study makes discovering theological truths from the scripture fun and enlightening.  Buckle your seatbelt as you join Bible teacher Delron Shirley as he journeys to such interesting places as Nepal and Nigeria in quest of spiritual insight and revelation.  You’ll be glad that you came along for the adventure as you discover many simple truths that have always seemed just too difficult to understand.

By Dr. Delron Shirley 

Your Home can Survive


Have you ever heard someone say that we should get rid of old fashion ideas about marriage, family, and morals and add “After all, it is the twenty-first century”?  With the rapid decline in traditional values, we might actually begin to question if our home will be able to survive in this new century.

But there is good news if we only recognize that what is happening to the family today is a prophetic attack by the forces of the devil and that we are well equipped to fight back and conquer!  You home can not only survive–it can thrive!!

By Dr. Delron Shirley