Mission Report October 2019 – Mexico

We were invited to Ciudad Victoria, Mexico, to minister with our good friends and veteran missionaries, Bobby and Lynn Crow. And what a time we had with them! Peggy ministered at a women’s conference, and Delron taught in their Bible college. We ended our time with...

Meditation October 2019 – Parenting

Although King David left an indelible impact on all of human destiny, we can see that he essentially “missed the boat” in one specific area of influence where he should have focused his attention.  In this one arena of life — his parenting skills, well actually,...

Mission Report September 2019 – Brazil

My mission to Brazil was filled with surprises – from the layover in Denver before heading to Rio de Janeiro to the layover in Denver at the end of the trip. In Denver International Airport, I had some time to get a little better acquainted with the sixteen students...