We are so happy that our family has increased again this year with the addition of a new daughter-in-law. Delron had the privilege of officiating at the marriage of our youngest son Jeremy and his beautiful bride Erika at the lovely Denver Botanical Garden this fall. Erika is who a kind and compassionate soul as you would expect from her choice of careers as a labor and delivery nurse at Fort Carson Army Base here in Colorado Springs,
We are also thrilled that COVID has begun to loosen its grip on the world, allowing us to get back to our calling of hosting pastors’ and women’s conferences around the world. You may remember that Delron barely got home from Liberia the day before the international travel ban went into place and that we had to cancel seven mission trips which were already planned and paid for. As the doors to all the nations where we have already been working are open again, we are also finding that new doors to countries we have not previously been ministering in are opening as well. Out of the four countries we have traveled to this year, two are new areas we have not focused on before – the Middle East and Central America.
During the two and a half years that we were grounded because of COVID, continued support of our friends helped us support our ministry partners around the world who suffered severely due to the shutdowns. Then, as the pandemic began to subside, their support made it possible for us to continue blessing our partners in Sri Lanka who were caught in the throes of the economic collapse of the country, in Myanmar who suffered under the continuing hostilities of the military regime that took over the country, in Haiti where gangs have essentially taken control of every aspect of life, and in Africa where the Russia-Ukraine war have cut off their supply of fuel and wheat. The pandemic also had another side-affect blessing in that it gave Delron the free time to correct and reformat his existing books and complete seventeen new ones.
We wish you a blessed Christmas season and a healthy and prosperous new year.


Botanical Gardens