As we approach six months after the earthquake, the first three phases of our relief and rebuilding project in Nepal are nearing completion.  The first three churches/community centers are close enough to completion for services to be held in the buildings.  The next phases of the program reach beyond the reactive need for rebuilding the structures that were destroyed by the earthquake.  They are more proactive in nature in that they are focused on rebuilding the communities with strong Christian holistic influence – body, soul, and spirit.  One aspect of the project is to use the brick-building machines that were obtained to build the homes and churches as business incubators for the local people, helping them break the bondage of dependency on outside support.  Weekly Bible studies on the book of Romans are already in place, helping train the community in the spiritual principles that will make them into successful family members, members of society, and members of the Body of Christ.  Our Nepali representatives will be registering an officially government-recognized non-profit organization so that they can freely do their work without any resistance by groups or individuals who dislike Christian activity in the formerly Hindu nation.

As funds for the relief project continue to come in, we have made arrangements for friends who are visiting Nepal to carry with them another generous gift to further the work.

August 1 August 2 August 5